For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world.
Romans 1:19-20
One of the purposes of revelation is to give seekers—those who might gravitate toward conspiracy theories, mysticism, nebulous New Age concepts, strange mystery religions, or political isms—a foundation in truth that replaces the appeal of these fantasies.
While some dark things are indeed true, many things are not. They are distractions and diversions, rabbit holes designed to enrage. People would to leave you chasing your tail.
Worse still, they’d very much like to provoke you into giving them a reason to take even more rights away, “for their own safety”.
I’ve removed myself from content inputs, deleting social, YouTube, podcasts, Telegram.
In doing so, I’ve turned my attention to God, with whom I have a conversation every day.
And rather than mindlessly reciting the Lord’s Prayer, as if in a trance, I truly talk to our Father.
It provides me a personal understanding of this world and the cosmos that makes sense, is healthy, is inspiring, and uplifting.
We know that due to the millions of years of animal evolution (and the million years of human evolution on top of that) that our deep brain is predisposed toward fear, survival, superstition, belief in ghosts and magic, awe of the unknown, and adoration—which is usually directed toward ourselves (ego) or other humans (hero worship).
Coupled with the historic fall of Adam and Eve, who might’ve bestowed us early on with true spiritual guidance, we’re left with an unstable mind free to absorb all manner of weirdness and unreality, attempting to combine them into some sort of meaningful philosophy.
Fortunately, Revelation corrects this error.
And if you seek it, you shall find.
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So happy to hear from you! I echo Becky’s sentiments. She said what is in my heart. I understand completely. I’m old. I remember when the first New Age thing came down the road, and how many were deceived. And it still goes on. The most important thing is to be grounded in God, to know what you believe and why you believe it. When you have a firm foundation nothing said on social media can shake you. God will take care of you, always, even to the end of the age. Fear for nothing, for you are greatly loved by God!
Few words in reply, mostly a smile and tear filled eyes joyously seeing the beauty of your journey unfold in such sweet honesty and a heart for Truth Himself.