This essay reminds me of a point often made by Jordan Peterson, who noted that if everyone got up one day and was determined to focus only on improving their individual lives rather than trying to improve the world, think of how much better the world would be as a result.
Right? We lived through this cat-hair cookie utopia already, when you cut get a nice unregulated maggot burger fortified with the occasional fresh ground line worker. The author calls this the "gilded age" which is remember by everyone else as the Age of the Robber Barons
If you can't focus and fix your own life, how the hell are you going to fix the world? You aren't, you're just going to make everything worse than it is today.
But, if you work to fix yourself and your situation, you make the world better in and of itself. Then maybe you can help your business and your community because you are in a much better place personally.
So in this way, one person at a time making their own lives better, the world is fixed one person at a time. The only thing you'll ever have control over is yourself. That's it.
Bravo. Such a vision brings a creative, resourceful nation to life— and reflects the actual diversity each state reflects in resources, culture, and problem solving. This is only achieved with minimal oversight from the Federal level. Extremely minimalist. 🤔
I want your story to continue. It draws me in. Your writing is something that makes my imagination soar. Things in my mind that have been there forever are released when you put your stories together. It is like as a child watching "The Never Ending Story"
Thank you so much for your time in bringing my mind to places I dream of.
Look at her blog. She tells you about all of this, covered up by British formed United States Municipal Corporation under Biden, now bankrupt, with a Dunns number, The British Territorial United States, now run by Donald Trump, with a Dunns number, and the United States of America that includes the Republics you are mentioning below, sovereign states. They created all of these bureaucracies, Agencies, Departments, most with two names like DOD, Department of Defense, NIH, National Institute of Health and so on. They were sending each name billions of dollars. The entire country needs to denounce Birth Certificates-straw man id, and get back on the land so to speak. The latter operates under Common Law and are in process of setting up our courts under Common Law, the corporations that the British set up are operating in courts using Maritime Law, Law of the Sea. It is complicated, but they did this to deceive people in this country who were illiterate and were not lawyers! Like today, most people don’t know the govt created a strawman for every man, woman, and child in this country to be manipulated in stock markets. We can live on tariffs when we get rid of all of these parasites, and operate with a skeleton crew. As for the rest of the parasites, they need to get a real job, and many will go to prison or jail. Jailer can be for the ones not prosecuted, or as Trump did, send IRS (Internal Revenue Service) agents to the border to help send back ILLEGALS. Also, we were never supposed to pay “Federal Income Tax”, only FEDERAL employees. (Anna talks about this as well). As far as counties go….we were never supposed to be forced to pay “property tax”. As you know, if you fail to pay, the auction your property to get their money. (greedy bastards) We don’t own it if they can sell it out from under you. They created a type of “land lease”. That is illegal too. I hope we see the dissolution of all the governments with Dunns numbers, and that includes State, County, and City governments, to be re-established the way they were intended, to be run within their budgets, and no longer able to grab our assets or tax us into oblivion. Thanks for your article.
Yes! We are each and every one of us incorporated when our birth is registered and we are issued a birth certificate. Our name on the certificate is in Capital Letters. The government then can borrow money against your net worth or work you do as the incorporated being that you are.
I am grateful to have a husband who questions everything, it made our family unit very tight during the insanity of the last 5 years of chaos. But I must say we are the black sheep of the extended family. So I do have a sense of your experience. Bless!
Before any of this can happen, ALL illegal migrants must be removed. They will never understand any of this, and we cannot afford to support them forever. When we get that monkey off our back, then we can straighten up and begin to succeed.
Respectfully disagree. Waiting is what caused previous governments to fail — they were all "going to do x, y, or z.... eventually"........ Both Previous Ds and Rs had NO vision for what IS possible. Each successive government, regardless of brand, simply expanded and jumped on the never ending expanding gravy train, all leaving office as fat cats - at the expense of ordinary worker joes who were all getting screwed over....... leaving them with less and less, and less, as time went on. How sad when people worked SO HARD for anything they can get, but President Trump SEES them and recognizes their plight and their heartfelt despair as they scratch to eeck a living, while the former powerfully greedy merely used the-nobody-workers hard earned taxes.
Such contempt was weilded by previous presidents — except Trump who, by the grace of God instilled in people's hearts, to vote for him and give him a mandate to revive hard earned taxes
ENTER: Action Man, President Trump.
A true visionary who clearly sees taxpayers getting ripped off
Yester-year governments got very little done - both Ds and Rs — and they both lied to hastily enable law changes overnight.
Doing a mere one thing at a time does has no seat at the 2025 table.
Accelerated RE-Construction to CLEAN UP USA must be done, to annihilate the pervasive fraud and corruption.
Preident Trump respects taxpayers hard work and money enough to bring it back FOR them, while continuing to efficiently run the country.
Trump's STAR multidisciplinary TEAMS are capable of getting many things done congruently and multi-laterally.
No doubt, the Illegal Alien Invasion (iAi) IS a significant problem. However, the new border czar Mr Tom Homan, needs to also enroll local county's for further laws to be passed to enable county authority do mandatory citizen checks.
Of couse, citizen checks must be compliant and legal. Could there be a hasty, but temporary 4 year law passed, from the Federal government, to enable this?
Then, make ignoring county citizen checks a jail term, as a lack of compliance for illegal alien checks would surely be a form of subversion.
For this to work you’d need to repeal the 17th amendment so that each Republic would have direct representation at the federal level. Just like the framers envisioned.
Yeah to do this we would essentially need to return to the articles of confederation, or at least the pre-civil war Constitution. Much less the post-www2 Constitution.
That, my friend, was brilliant. And I believe that’s the closest I’ve ever heard anyone come to what God himself intends for this country. (Continent? Hemisphere? World?)
If such a presentation were to be laid before the American peoples, I think they would be ready to embrace it - even introducing the possibility of borders being redrawn that make more sense, as well as some states merging (or splitting). An organic shuffling of the deck/sifting of personal realities into a New Man.
Thank you for that infusion of Mental Mushroom Coffee! 😄
Man's EGO to control others is the limiting factor. There's always some clown that thinks they're the smartest guy in the room. Public service should be a burden but many look at it as entitlement.
A man cannot govern a nation if he cannot govern a city; he cannot govern a city if he cannot govern a family; he cannot govern a family unless he can govern himself; and he cannot govern himself unless his passions are subject to reason.”
By understanding many things, I have accomplished nothing.”
I love the idea butI have enough life experience to know that it ignores the fact that humans are not honest. "This only works when citizens embrace personal responsibility." and are honest brokers in their dealings with other humans. Not to say it would be any worse than it is now, but I would not expect it to be any better either.
Yes, a very welcome Vision for humanity. Time to get creative. Humanity does need a vision such as this to help motivate each other. I have done 23 jobs for a living in my 52 years of SS earning history, including owning/operating 2 businesses. I taught teenagers how to write grants, back when there were middle class dollars to chase, they never worked for someone else again. Both our kids are schooled & excel in areas of their skillset/talents. I believe the future is a hybrid of entrepreneurship and co-operative run businesses. Our food co-op friend group operated to purchase wholesale staples and divide or own foodstuffs, make the payments work as one, etc, and had fun on the group get together to pick up/divide the foods. I grew up with parents who were raised with, "Fix it, Make it or Do Without" lives. Be handy, have many skills to develop and be flexible, do not get in debt, live within small enough means so that others may simply live. And, do what you darn well please nobody is looking. Pay taxes and don't murder anyone. Boom. It's been a fun life, I recommend it. Invest in original art, buy books, go to movies and plays and spend time in nature not online. I have never been on Facebook. Own a flip phone. Began computer work in 1983, they had to take back their cell phone, didn't want that weekend connectivity. I'm from the gen where we had personal lives that were personal. Undocumented luxury. Bring it back. We live with three gens paying one mortgage. Families need to have each others' backs, since home ownership was turned into an ATM for the rich.
100% absolutely correct. That’s what Convention of States is all about. Return sovereignty to the states. That’s what made America great in the first place…we’ve just moved far away from that model.
First the DOJ must arrest, indict, and imprison Ugly Hochul, Fat Leticia, Even Fatter Alvin, "Judge" Merchan and "Judge" Endorgen\ (or whatever that freak's name is from the "civil trial") and all the rest of the crooked, evil NY State Democrat apparatus.
This essay reminds me of a point often made by Jordan Peterson, who noted that if everyone got up one day and was determined to focus only on improving their individual lives rather than trying to improve the world, think of how much better the world would be as a result.
and you have to start with your own HEALTH!
Ayn Rand enters the conversation
Right? We lived through this cat-hair cookie utopia already, when you cut get a nice unregulated maggot burger fortified with the occasional fresh ground line worker. The author calls this the "gilded age" which is remember by everyone else as the Age of the Robber Barons
That would be selfish!! BAD BAD BAD!!! /s/
If you can't focus and fix your own life, how the hell are you going to fix the world? You aren't, you're just going to make everything worse than it is today.
But, if you work to fix yourself and your situation, you make the world better in and of itself. Then maybe you can help your business and your community because you are in a much better place personally.
So in this way, one person at a time making their own lives better, the world is fixed one person at a time. The only thing you'll ever have control over is yourself. That's it.
You do know what /s/ means, right?
Give me 3 guesses.
Smile, Sarcasm, or Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
I guess that why I use emojis, they work with my simplistic mind.🤤
And no, I hadn't seen anyone use that before in a comment, so I didn't think about it until you asked.😬😔 tell us what it means Aristotle.
Figure it out, dipshit.
Classy, no wonder man have lost their dignity. Tell your momma what you said to a woman, she'd be proud.
Can't truly make anyone happy if you are miserable. Agree, start with yourself and work outwards - family, friends, local community.....
I like that. My motto is: "Be the change you want to see." It starts with us.
Bravo. Such a vision brings a creative, resourceful nation to life— and reflects the actual diversity each state reflects in resources, culture, and problem solving. This is only achieved with minimal oversight from the Federal level. Extremely minimalist. 🤔
We are the United - States of America and not the Federal Republic of America
We were founded as a REPUBLIC, not a democracy.
Correct. The word "democracy" is not in the Constitution.
United is a stretch.
Lol! So true!
I want your story to continue. It draws me in. Your writing is something that makes my imagination soar. Things in my mind that have been there forever are released when you put your stories together. It is like as a child watching "The Never Ending Story"
Thank you so much for your time in bringing my mind to places I dream of.
I feel the same so I EKO now support your thoughts and language. Thank you.
You might visit
Look at her blog. She tells you about all of this, covered up by British formed United States Municipal Corporation under Biden, now bankrupt, with a Dunns number, The British Territorial United States, now run by Donald Trump, with a Dunns number, and the United States of America that includes the Republics you are mentioning below, sovereign states. They created all of these bureaucracies, Agencies, Departments, most with two names like DOD, Department of Defense, NIH, National Institute of Health and so on. They were sending each name billions of dollars. The entire country needs to denounce Birth Certificates-straw man id, and get back on the land so to speak. The latter operates under Common Law and are in process of setting up our courts under Common Law, the corporations that the British set up are operating in courts using Maritime Law, Law of the Sea. It is complicated, but they did this to deceive people in this country who were illiterate and were not lawyers! Like today, most people don’t know the govt created a strawman for every man, woman, and child in this country to be manipulated in stock markets. We can live on tariffs when we get rid of all of these parasites, and operate with a skeleton crew. As for the rest of the parasites, they need to get a real job, and many will go to prison or jail. Jailer can be for the ones not prosecuted, or as Trump did, send IRS (Internal Revenue Service) agents to the border to help send back ILLEGALS. Also, we were never supposed to pay “Federal Income Tax”, only FEDERAL employees. (Anna talks about this as well). As far as counties go….we were never supposed to be forced to pay “property tax”. As you know, if you fail to pay, the auction your property to get their money. (greedy bastards) We don’t own it if they can sell it out from under you. They created a type of “land lease”. That is illegal too. I hope we see the dissolution of all the governments with Dunns numbers, and that includes State, County, and City governments, to be re-established the way they were intended, to be run within their budgets, and no longer able to grab our assets or tax us into oblivion. Thanks for your article.
Hear hear!
She explains it here.
Yes! We are each and every one of us incorporated when our birth is registered and we are issued a birth certificate. Our name on the certificate is in Capital Letters. The government then can borrow money against your net worth or work you do as the incorporated being that you are.
Yes. I hope many will just look and learn. My husband refuses to learn or read about this. Very difficult to deal with . Thanks
I am grateful to have a husband who questions everything, it made our family unit very tight during the insanity of the last 5 years of chaos. But I must say we are the black sheep of the extended family. So I do have a sense of your experience. Bless!
Before any of this can happen, ALL illegal migrants must be removed. They will never understand any of this, and we cannot afford to support them forever. When we get that monkey off our back, then we can straighten up and begin to succeed.
Illegal alien invaders, not migrants.
Respectfully disagree. Waiting is what caused previous governments to fail — they were all "going to do x, y, or z.... eventually"........ Both Previous Ds and Rs had NO vision for what IS possible. Each successive government, regardless of brand, simply expanded and jumped on the never ending expanding gravy train, all leaving office as fat cats - at the expense of ordinary worker joes who were all getting screwed over....... leaving them with less and less, and less, as time went on. How sad when people worked SO HARD for anything they can get, but President Trump SEES them and recognizes their plight and their heartfelt despair as they scratch to eeck a living, while the former powerfully greedy merely used the-nobody-workers hard earned taxes.
Such contempt was weilded by previous presidents — except Trump who, by the grace of God instilled in people's hearts, to vote for him and give him a mandate to revive hard earned taxes
ENTER: Action Man, President Trump.
A true visionary who clearly sees taxpayers getting ripped off
Yester-year governments got very little done - both Ds and Rs — and they both lied to hastily enable law changes overnight.
Doing a mere one thing at a time does has no seat at the 2025 table.
Accelerated RE-Construction to CLEAN UP USA must be done, to annihilate the pervasive fraud and corruption.
Preident Trump respects taxpayers hard work and money enough to bring it back FOR them, while continuing to efficiently run the country.
Trump's STAR multidisciplinary TEAMS are capable of getting many things done congruently and multi-laterally.
No doubt, the Illegal Alien Invasion (iAi) IS a significant problem. However, the new border czar Mr Tom Homan, needs to also enroll local county's for further laws to be passed to enable county authority do mandatory citizen checks.
Of couse, citizen checks must be compliant and legal. Could there be a hasty, but temporary 4 year law passed, from the Federal government, to enable this?
Then, make ignoring county citizen checks a jail term, as a lack of compliance for illegal alien checks would surely be a form of subversion.
My only concern with your idea is that any excuse to wait can be used by the D.C. crowd to "study and evaluate" into perpetuity.
For this to work you’d need to repeal the 17th amendment so that each Republic would have direct representation at the federal level. Just like the framers envisioned.
There would still be a "Federal" level?
A much smaller one
Yeah to do this we would essentially need to return to the articles of confederation, or at least the pre-civil war Constitution. Much less the post-www2 Constitution.
That, my friend, was brilliant. And I believe that’s the closest I’ve ever heard anyone come to what God himself intends for this country. (Continent? Hemisphere? World?)
If such a presentation were to be laid before the American peoples, I think they would be ready to embrace it - even introducing the possibility of borders being redrawn that make more sense, as well as some states merging (or splitting). An organic shuffling of the deck/sifting of personal realities into a New Man.
Thank you for that infusion of Mental Mushroom Coffee! 😄
Yeah CA would be its own disaster and we could then let it fall into the ocean and they’d have no one else to blame.
Man's EGO to control others is the limiting factor. There's always some clown that thinks they're the smartest guy in the room. Public service should be a burden but many look at it as entitlement.
You definitely think outside the box but IMO your ideas are extreme HOPIUM…not a bad thing but very unlikely .
In your own words ..This only works when citizens embrace personal responsibility…nuff said.
Sadly you are correct. There are too many who just want to be taken care of. The days of hard work and personal responsibility I fear are gone
Not completely at all, Karen! It just depends where you look.
Because nobody holds them accountable.
A man cannot govern a nation if he cannot govern a city; he cannot govern a city if he cannot govern a family; he cannot govern a family unless he can govern himself; and he cannot govern himself unless his passions are subject to reason.”
By understanding many things, I have accomplished nothing.”
Hugo Grotius
Another excellent article. Thank you
Beautiful vision for the future! I can't wait to live in it!
I love the idea butI have enough life experience to know that it ignores the fact that humans are not honest. "This only works when citizens embrace personal responsibility." and are honest brokers in their dealings with other humans. Not to say it would be any worse than it is now, but I would not expect it to be any better either.
Yes, a very welcome Vision for humanity. Time to get creative. Humanity does need a vision such as this to help motivate each other. I have done 23 jobs for a living in my 52 years of SS earning history, including owning/operating 2 businesses. I taught teenagers how to write grants, back when there were middle class dollars to chase, they never worked for someone else again. Both our kids are schooled & excel in areas of their skillset/talents. I believe the future is a hybrid of entrepreneurship and co-operative run businesses. Our food co-op friend group operated to purchase wholesale staples and divide or own foodstuffs, make the payments work as one, etc, and had fun on the group get together to pick up/divide the foods. I grew up with parents who were raised with, "Fix it, Make it or Do Without" lives. Be handy, have many skills to develop and be flexible, do not get in debt, live within small enough means so that others may simply live. And, do what you darn well please nobody is looking. Pay taxes and don't murder anyone. Boom. It's been a fun life, I recommend it. Invest in original art, buy books, go to movies and plays and spend time in nature not online. I have never been on Facebook. Own a flip phone. Began computer work in 1983, they had to take back their cell phone, didn't want that weekend connectivity. I'm from the gen where we had personal lives that were personal. Undocumented luxury. Bring it back. We live with three gens paying one mortgage. Families need to have each others' backs, since home ownership was turned into an ATM for the rich.
100% absolutely correct. That’s what Convention of States is all about. Return sovereignty to the states. That’s what made America great in the first place…we’ve just moved far away from that model.
Why return sovereignty to the states? They've always had it. Pull back the delegation of powers from the federal government.
A new government in the state of NY.
First the DOJ must arrest, indict, and imprison Ugly Hochul, Fat Leticia, Even Fatter Alvin, "Judge" Merchan and "Judge" Endorgen\ (or whatever that freak's name is from the "civil trial") and all the rest of the crooked, evil NY State Democrat apparatus.