I tear up reading your articles…… I feared I would never see this happen. I’ll admit that I gave up & went into a kind of preservation mode. I owe homage to all the people who kept faith & kept fighting at great personal peril. I’m so proud of all of you who kept faith & kept going. A new era and look to American patriots who are part of this movement. This younger generation who I thought was apathetic has my ultimate respect now. Keep it up & I can’t express how inspiring you all are.
I love your articles. It stirs my patriotism. I grew up in the 70s and 80s believing that true justice did exist in our country and that the FBI was there preserving it. However, that ended up dissolving bit by bit and year after year until finally(and somewhat surreal) this Administration (Donald Trump) arrived…..
MsPattiAnne Me Too, Dad told me days before he died, 2012, what was coming. Did not comprehend. 2020 comprehension in full ! I too "am here for the both of us ! "
Naval Academy Family - Our friend Ensign Josh Watson was shot and killed with two other Sailors in December 2019 by a Saudi National Air Student at NAS Pensacola - ON AMERICAN SOIL. There was so much BS in that FBI investigation, and I am sending your article of hope to his Mom. I am posting the Navy Investigation, as it is better, but blacked out so often.... Peace and Justice to all. - https://news.usni.org/2020/11/20/navy-investigation-into-nas-pensacola-shooting
Thank you old friend. Eight years ago I had a sliver of hope something miraculous was happening but wasn't sure I would live to see it after years of watching and waiting. Now the future is full of hope and a whole new world awaits that none of us have ever seen or enjoyed before. We have truly walked through our Red Sea by the hand of God. I love the way you express it. I hope a book is in the works.
Again...great article. But.......Trump, Patel, Bondi, Gabbard, et al....hold a HUGE responsibility. Not just in their positions, but, they hold the last trickle of HOPE that We The People have for our government. If Patel, Bondi and the rest DON'T charge and convict ALL those who were complicit in everything mentioned above, then not even Trump/Vance can hold back what comes next....secession. If the federal criminal elite can't even go to jail for the abhorrent crimes committed against the American people and Trump, then there is absolutely NO reason to continue the UNION of states we have....and the "marriage" must end!
These are extremely EMPIRE shoes they must fill, but fill they must.
Kash said his mission is to figure out how to place media personality's under arrest who've lied to the American people, so if ANYONE can do it, it's him.
What a washing over of positivity! The firing up on all cylinders has begun, the precision coordinated throughout the engine of federal government is astonishing, and overwhelming. "The Machine" surely is cowering since November 5th, 2024 and scrambling in an historic coverup that is doomed to fail in the face of so much evidence. Thank you for your gifted creativity, both in word and image...perfect for my insomnia this early morning on George Washington's birthday!
I tear up reading your articles…… I feared I would never see this happen. I’ll admit that I gave up & went into a kind of preservation mode. I owe homage to all the people who kept faith & kept fighting at great personal peril. I’m so proud of all of you who kept faith & kept going. A new era and look to American patriots who are part of this movement. This younger generation who I thought was apathetic has my ultimate respect now. Keep it up & I can’t express how inspiring you all are.
Great writing EKO .
And the artwork captures so many feelings...
You just spoke my feelings exactly.
02/22/25: And like clockwork, here come the Regime Media Hit Pieces:
I love your articles. It stirs my patriotism. I grew up in the 70s and 80s believing that true justice did exist in our country and that the FBI was there preserving it. However, that ended up dissolving bit by bit and year after year until finally(and somewhat surreal) this Administration (Donald Trump) arrived…..
I really admire “EKO”. The writing is fantastic!
Thank you!
From your pen to God's ear. Thank you!
We made it, my father did not but I am here for the both of us! GOD BLESS AMERICA 🇺🇸
MsPattiAnne Me Too, Dad told me days before he died, 2012, what was coming. Did not comprehend. 2020 comprehension in full ! I too "am here for the both of us ! "
Godspeed in all, in Jesus's name, Amen .
I have been hoping for this since the 1950's.
Naval Academy Family - Our friend Ensign Josh Watson was shot and killed with two other Sailors in December 2019 by a Saudi National Air Student at NAS Pensacola - ON AMERICAN SOIL. There was so much BS in that FBI investigation, and I am sending your article of hope to his Mom. I am posting the Navy Investigation, as it is better, but blacked out so often.... Peace and Justice to all. - https://news.usni.org/2020/11/20/navy-investigation-into-nas-pensacola-shooting
God Bless you and yours
That was fantastic! What a time to be alive.....
Thank you old friend. Eight years ago I had a sliver of hope something miraculous was happening but wasn't sure I would live to see it after years of watching and waiting. Now the future is full of hope and a whole new world awaits that none of us have ever seen or enjoyed before. We have truly walked through our Red Sea by the hand of God. I love the way you express it. I hope a book is in the works.
I agree and with your sentiments and we do live in a special time in history.
This is perfectly written.
We who have had so little hope for so very long - have hope.
We who felt maybe our prayers were falling by the wayside have renewed faith - faith we should have clung to all along.
Smiles and excitement abound all around!
Perfectly written. Accountability is more important than all the identified government funds. Going to stock up on pop corn and M & M’s.
Again...great article. But.......Trump, Patel, Bondi, Gabbard, et al....hold a HUGE responsibility. Not just in their positions, but, they hold the last trickle of HOPE that We The People have for our government. If Patel, Bondi and the rest DON'T charge and convict ALL those who were complicit in everything mentioned above, then not even Trump/Vance can hold back what comes next....secession. If the federal criminal elite can't even go to jail for the abhorrent crimes committed against the American people and Trump, then there is absolutely NO reason to continue the UNION of states we have....and the "marriage" must end!
These are extremely EMPIRE shoes they must fill, but fill they must.
Kash said his mission is to figure out how to place media personality's under arrest who've lied to the American people, so if ANYONE can do it, it's him.
No room to be given to compromise or letting a few of them “slide”. This must be a thorough cleansing of the system. Amen
We need to follow that funding to Soros , Abram’s and rest of the lot and expose what most Americans can’t imagine the extent of the corruption.
It appears that the "forward faces" have been slowly, carefully, building teams for at least 8 years. I think the foundation is solid.
Love it!♡
What a washing over of positivity! The firing up on all cylinders has begun, the precision coordinated throughout the engine of federal government is astonishing, and overwhelming. "The Machine" surely is cowering since November 5th, 2024 and scrambling in an historic coverup that is doomed to fail in the face of so much evidence. Thank you for your gifted creativity, both in word and image...perfect for my insomnia this early morning on George Washington's birthday!
Yes !!!! Psyched 😀
Music to my ears! Very well written, words that cut through the coming reality of justice being restored.
Let the wheels of government grind fine. It has taken much too long.