It’s been awhile and I wanted to check in with you.
You doing okay? Is your family alright? What’s up with your neighbors and other people in your community?
When I feel alone, rather than reaching out to the people who care about me, I isolate myself.
And the longer I’m disconnected, the harder it feels to reconnect—even when I know the love coming from particular folks is unconditional.
My Mom is in town this weekend. Haven’t seen her in ages. And because we have different views, it’s tough for me to be my full self around her.
But I know she’s just a woman who wants to share her love with her son.
While I haven’t felt motivated to draw, I made the picture above using my daughter’s crayons, scribbled with my non-dominant hand.
I did it to try to re-wire my brain, to see and create without old habits or preconceived notions.
Turns out new doors of possibility open when you just go for something from an unfamiliar angle.
And the best part is, it’s not all that uncomfortable. In fact, it’s refreshing.
So I’m taking this approach with my Mom—thinking, observing, and acting from a different angle and attitude.
While some of us have experienced the pain and sorrow of a divided family (Luke 12:51), I’m walking with faith that there are brighter days ahead.
PS, I’m back. No grand strategies. No master plans. Sh*t seems like it gonna get worse before it gets better. What’s important now is to just stay connected (while we can).
And when America is America again, then can go back to entertainment.
PPS I mean it, please say hi in the comments and let everyone know how you’re doing.
Even if there’s only a few of us here, it’ll feel good to know we’re together.
<3 EKO
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Good to hear from you! Funny. Last week I knew you were going to post. Drawing with your non-dominant hand is an excellent exercise and can help unlock creativity. I’ve been working harder than I should. In my small circle a lot of the people who got the vax are suffering the side effects. About 5 people developed back problems, 3 heart problems, and others seem sick all the time. My boss’ health deteriorated after the 2nd Pfizer dose. I refuse to be vaccinated. I feel the time is coming to stand up and say “NO!” This is where the walking on faith part comes.
I've been wondering how you were doing. Glad to know you're okay. Best wishes on new methods of communication with your mom. Hello to Lil Pup. He's looking good in today's drawing. Don't stay gone so long!