Good to hear from you! Funny. Last week I knew you were going to post. Drawing with your non-dominant hand is an excellent exercise and can help unlock creativity. I’ve been working harder than I should. In my small circle a lot of the people who got the vax are suffering the side effects. About 5 people developed back problems, 3 heart problems, and others seem sick all the time. My boss’ health deteriorated after the 2nd Pfizer dose. I refuse to be vaccinated. I feel the time is coming to stand up and say “NO!” This is where the walking on faith part comes.

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I’m glad you knew I was going to post. Maybe that’s what I needed to get back here. Proud of you for standing your ground. We got you.

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WALKING in faith right with you, Joanne. YES

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Ditto Friends!!

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JOANNE!! 😍😘💕

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So happy to see old friends and digital soldiers here. Like folks from basic running into each other from different units on the battlefield.

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I've been wondering how you were doing. Glad to know you're okay. Best wishes on new methods of communication with your mom. Hello to Lil Pup. He's looking good in today's drawing. Don't stay gone so long!


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I’m here CinCin. Trusting in God the father. More people are waking up but it also means darkness is desperate. We need the BIG GUY. I look to my lil pup, unawares of past or future, to help keep me present. <3

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Absolute truth. A great awakening is needed before people realize how much they need God. May these difficult times be used to bring more people to Christ and light into the world. God bless you and all truth seekers. Keep sharing the gospel thru your art. ❤️🙏❤️

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What I’m feeling is like a singularity of awakening. The hurricane approaches, reaching land in a matter of weeks.

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Because we have so much dark surrounding us, we have a hard time seeing the crowd of other Believers but they are there. God has been letting me meet more of them recently. They are woke to the entertainment industry, the school system, government... they know making God and family priorities in their home is a way to fight back. We are NOT alone. We should always stay prepared for storms. I haven't lived that way in the past but hopefully I'm doing a better job now. Years ago I had a hurricane headed right for my home but God redirected it at the last minute. We do not know which storms will hit us but we know where our strength in the storm lies. Hold tight and keep praying.

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Hey EKO!! SO good to hear from you!! Thanks for reaching out!! I can SO relate... Guess I learned from MY Mom, a little too well, the old attage "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". A childs mind can only work with what they have and internalize those voices forever. So I isolate myself as well not wanting to be a constant "bearer of bad news" or bring people down. Another one is "If you can't do a thing right, don't do it at all" DANG that can be debilitating! Perfectionism KILLS!!

Anyways things are better these days, I'm running for my local City Council. Totally in over my head, but keeping busy which keeps the darkness away!! Real life is better than life on the internet and doing real life things gives me real "life" and energy!

I've missed you, and all my "internet friends" but I had to get off social media, it was sucking the life out of me! Unfortunately I'm going to have to make new accounts for my campaign 😅😅🙄 City Council is a bipartisan position so I'll have to walk a thin line for now on them 🙄😏🙃🤪

Just wanted to touch base and let you know that you have touched my life with your art and the beauty of who you are., and how refreshing and welcomed your email was!! Thanks for being YOU EKO!!


MUCH LOVE! AND A QUICK PRAYER.. ABBA FATHER PLEASE BLESS MY FRIEND AND ALL YOUR CHILDREN AS WE LEARN and grow! THANK YOU for the connections! Open doors no man can open, close doors no man can close! Grant us wisdom and insight as we navigate these treacherous waters You have us in. Thank You for choosing us to live this day and help us find the paths you want us to walk!! Keep us close and both correct, and comfort us when we need it! Bless us Please, and help us to be a blessing to YOU, and to each other and to the world around us! Thanks Dad! We love you! Stay Close!!

Thanks again for reaching out!

I appreciate you!!

If you want to see.. my campaign website is www.BevG4HP.com

Be Blessed Bro!

BevRedWave Bev Gibson

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So thrillled to hear that you are stepping up and doing your civic duty. Checking out the site and praying for you — how can we help?

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Always lifts my spirits when I see you pop up in my email EKO! You're right I think it may get a bit worse, but then drastic changes are coming. Hopefully we have become battle hardened Warriors who are also wise and discerning during this time. More battles ahead but with our fearless leader DJT at the helm and with The Almighty leading him and us. I am blessed to have 3 coworkers now with the same views and a family on board except for 1. I know she'll come around tho. STill isolated from Extended family very sad. Homeschooling my high school son starting tomorrow officially.

God Bless you and everyone on here. I pray for your mom's eyes to be opened.🙏💜

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We are wading through a sea of fire. And looking back at last year, I can see why we needed these times. To see through the last layer of lies and to prepare us for what comes next.

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Praying to be even bolder and more courageous in a loving way.🙏 Only God can figure that one out😄

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Don't ever stop, don't ever give up, we support and love you. We are here for one another. Your art continues to put a smile on my face, even during these trying times. Chin up and remember,


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Love you Steve-O. Never give up. Never give in. I ran into a black street preacher on the river today. He was making signs that said GOD WINS. People where ignoring him but I ran over and told him how much we appreciate him. He was energized by the encouragement. We are here together sons of the Father.

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God gives us signs when we need them most. My wife has been suffering from depression, while on a drive to no where last week we passed a house who had a large sign out front that read...

"Everything will be OK."

She was immediately lifted and her depression has been decreasing since.

Together we get through this


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Interesting how I checked on your site just last night. I had thought...we haven’t heard from you in the longest time. Interesting how our thoughts cross, isn’t it? We are doing well. I, like you, am struggling with those in the family who do NOT see totally eye to eye about things. Religion AND world events. My son and I are very connected. And we are both “unvaxxed” members of the family. It’s cost us some friendships. These are the times that try the faith of God’s servants. Was just thinking this morning...Lord, will I be able to stand? All the while I know I will because HE is able to keep that which has been committed to Him against this very day we are in. thank you for gracing us with your shining face this day.

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Becky our thoughts to cross. We are connected and the Spirit knows when to bring us together. I’m so happy to hear you and your son are connected. That parent-child bond is critical. Our only jobs on Earth are to raise and train our children, preparing them for the inverted world and the heavenly adventure that awaits them.

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BECKY!! 😍😘💕

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Oh Eko always right on time. I woke up to a feeling of letting go. I grabbed my God wins T shirt, and threw it on, and here you are posting what I also needed to hear. God’s message. Thank you Friend. I also feel the need to move quick to a more letting go vibe of me, not being in control in this physical space. I remembered back to many moments , days, hours, any positive memory I have and seek for the common threads. I’m working on all day long doing that. It’s not easy. And I cry and I smile and laugh. And do that all over and over. But, I’m doing it. And people around me, the closest ones. See it. They love me. They inspire me more. I have been focused on my immediate circle. And that has been the Hardest. But the most important start. It has showed me who and what to let go of. And it’s not as I expected. But we are learning to let it go. I love your words. They come on time. Alway. Much love, thank you for showing others that we need each other. And that sharing that now, is so important. Much love and light always. God bless! 🙏🏻❤️💫

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Something Greater than I understand is doing MIRACLES on us. I cried too last night. Such pain felt around the world, atrocities occurring and planned. So much of it avoidable. But this is also true for any point in history—EVER. Thank God for your immediate circle. All we need is a tiny flame, no matter how small, but as long as it still flickers, we have something on which to build.

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Synch. So, so timely... much love and many prayers friend 🙏 ❤

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Love you twin. I know when feeling the weight and pressure one mustn’t lay low—we must stand together and persevere.

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Shoulder to shoulder 💪

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Is this our sweet Princess?

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QT Pi 🥰

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👋👋👋 So good to see you. I've been banned from Bluebird for so long, I've lost track of many friends. Been thinking of Jane a lot lately and missing the conversations we used to have. Hope you're doing well too? Hugs

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QTPI!! 👋😍💕

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Eko my friend!!!!

It's good to see you...have missed you. 😎

My pot garden ( I am growing veggies and herbs in pots) was doing fabulously well, got through all the heat domes, heat waves, etc, only to get wiped by aphids and caterpillars...😐

BUT, harvested what could be saved, cut back the rest, and now have a burgeoning fall crop growing 😎

More and more pressure from husband's work to get jabbed... Told those unjabbed if they have to quarantine they will not get compensation that jabbed will get, can use PTO but will not be reimbursed. So while not mandating jabs, they are doing all but to try and force the issue. We will become homeless again before being forced to submit to this. After12 yrs of homelessness we do not take this stand lightly, especially since we're both pushing 60. This is how strongly we feel about this.

I pray for peace with your visit with your Mom...just remember what it says in the Bible about those that eat meat and those that eat herbs...helps me to keep perspective, and reminds me about grace and mercy...😉

It it always darkest before the dawn, and while I agree with you that dark days (and an interesting winter, to say the least), are ahead, I feel in my spirit the beginnings of a shift, the promise of the dawn is coming. Good always wins, but it comes with a cost.

Much love and prayers to you and yours, as always...

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So many things i agree with, Tigre — had no idea you and your husband experienced homelessness for that sustained a period. Your ability to thrive and persevere can inspire us all. Have your husband document everything and if termination is ever threatened file claim with Department of Labor. God Bless.

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Yes, lost our house in the great crash of 2007, 08... 27 lifetimes ago that I don't remember exactly now...lol. We managed to fall through every single crack in the system to the point where Dept of Human Services told us straight out that because we were married, weren't felons, didn't have kids by multiple partners, didn't do drugs or beat each other, and are white, that there was no help for us. Wish we'd had cell phones at the time and recorded it, but...

Stand firm, in love, but firm...and don't let them, (who or what ever "them" is😏), take your art from you. You have a gift, and the Good Lord uses it not only to reach and bless others, but to bless YOU as well. Much love and hugs from the PNW...😎🕯️🕯️🕯️

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Glad to hear from you. My husband, my 18 yo daughter and I are still organic. I refuse to ever become a GMO human. I shall remain in the image of God. For the first time, I've started a garden. I love learning how to grow different things. I have stocked up on enough to survive for a few months. I agree that it is going to get much worse before it gets better. I put on the armor of God to fight these evil forces.

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Hi Lori — great to hear about your family. Garden is key. I can see the future and we’ll be depending on our own growth and trade with our neighbors for sustenance. Just polished my armor and about to suit up. ⚔️

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Good to see you Eko and God blessings over your time with your mom!

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Hi Michelle-thank you :) <3

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Received your first post, thanks, EKO. Thanks for sharing your heart. It’s not doing so well over in our country as well. But, I’m digging in, keeping my eyes on the Lord, and keep on praying and interceding.

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Hi Melinda—thanks for being here. Great time to jump in, 😂

I forget where you’re based but these tribulations will be experienced world wide. The only way we make it is by sticking together—loving and standing up for each other like the brothers and sisters we are under the Father.

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Hi, I’m from Malaysia.

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Love you Eko and I appreciate your honesty. I'm feeling the disconnect myself, and with every passing day it seems things get worse. Trusting God fully is what's keeping hope alive for me. No matter the frustration, heartache, anger, tears, worry...God has us and is ultimately in control. To cast our cares in Him has never been so needed. God bless you and all the wonderful patriots.

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Hi Princess! Good to see you again too. Yes, the times are dark. We can't do anything on our own but can when Christ strengthens us. I'm meeting more young people who have awoken (many in spite of how they were raised) and that too gives me hope. Be blessed. Love, CinCinQC

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Hey P!! So good to see you!! Leave it to EKO to bring us together!! Thanks EKO!! LOVE YOU P! THINK OF YOU OFTEN!!

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Love you Princess—you’ve always been there for me and everyone else in this community, no matter what. Things have been building up. Pressure is peaking. Tide is going to turn.

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I am alone but I am not lonely.

Good to hear from you, brother.

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Hi 👋

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I often remind myself that God made us for the time we are in. It’s no accident. We are equipped to deal with whatever comes our way as long as we stay in faith and let God carry our burdens. I also turn to him for guidance and discernment, no decision is too small!

We’re all in this together in 2025! I so enjoy the feeling of kindred spirits and you’ve created a lovely space here with your God-given gifts!

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