Welcome back! Your story is inspirational. What inspired you to write it?

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i've got at least a dozen stories sketched out in notebooks that i'm bringing to life this year. more to come!

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Welcome back Eco! I followed you for years.

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Thank you, Pam! Good to see you.

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EKO! I was so happy to receive your email today, it was just in time ❤️. I still have my God wins Tee I got years ago from you, the letters are faded off, but I still love it and I am happy to see your work again! Much love -Amy

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so nice to hear from you amy. your tee is now vintage lol

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Fascinating. Well-written. Visionary even. But the Jesus - God the Son - who created all things before any of them were, who became a man to die on the cross to pay for our sins, and then was resurrected from death three days later, went to Heaven, not India or anywhere else on Earth, to rejoin God the Father and to send us God the Spirit. That accomplished His mission. And He's coming back, maybe soon. He's the Jesus who said at John 14:6 - "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me."

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Eko, what is the source material for these stories? I’d love to read more.

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I'd also like to see sources for these assertions. Otherwise, they seem like well-written speculations.

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Simply beautiful. Simply true. A gift. Thank you.

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Maybe some 28 years ago, Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi came to Dayton to speak at a special LDS fireside church gathering, fresh off a lengthy assignment in Tokyo. This man is a real spiritual giant! I don't remember many things from his time with us, but one thing I do recall is that he touched on a visit with some Buddhist monks, maybe they were Tibetan. I remember mention of some pretty extensive writings they have on him, and words to the effect that "we know your Jesus, and we know him as the Buddha Issa."

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